Entrepreneurship Masterclass

The one-day Entrepreneurship Masterclass is a must-have for Young Entrepreneurs.

Learning Objectives:

This is a an introductory course. We will cover a broad range of topics and attendees will get a very good overview of entrepreneurship. They will:

  • Understand what is Entrepreneurship (vs hobby, vs side hustle)
  • Evaluate their personal readiness for Entrepreneurship
  • Understand the Business start-up process
  • Learn about the 7 key aspects of running a business

Bonus: Attendees will receive a 30 minutes one-on-one virtual coaching on a business topic of their choice.

Who should Attend?

  • Do you have a business idea and looking to start a business venture
  • Have you recently started a new business venture?
  • Have you been running a business venture for a few years but realise that you don't fully understand the basics
  • Would you want to learn the core skills required to setting-up and running a successful business

If your answer is "YES" to any of these questions, then the Entrepreneurship Masterclass is definitely for you.

Enrol Here Now!  (note that this link will take you to a google form which is external to the XEED Business website)


One day, physical training (location will be disclosed to selected candidates only)

Course Date: Thursday 28th July 2022

Course Time: 09:30am - 5:00pm

Admission Process:

  • Register Here Now! (this link takes you to a Google Forms page which is external to our website)
  • Shortlisted candidates will go through a short interview
  • Candidates will be requested to make payment
  • Course instruction will be forwarded to selected candidates who are fully paid-up
  • Full fees: N10,000
  • Early bird discount: 50% off (valid until Sunday 10th July)
For Further Information:

Contact us:

Enrol Here Now!  (note that this link will take you to a Google Forms page which is external to the XEED Business site)